We are open for the present moment
Dear Community,
We are deeply committed to the health and wellbeing of the community, on every level. The clinic is open, and we are here--calming nervous systems, boosting immunity and helping people feel better in their bodies and their lives.
We are also cleaning more, washing our hands (as per usual!), and washing them again.
We will continue to treat patients and monitor the situation as it evolves. Acupuncture is an important tool in fostering wellness and boosting the immune system, and we are committed to supporting our community in this way.
As this unique situation develops, we will be in communication.
If you have a fever, show any signs of a compromised immune system, or have travelled internationally in the last two weeks, please contact us to reschedule your appointment.
Here are some of my best self-care recommendations that you can use to keep yourself calm, healthy and resilient.
Let's start with the ABC's--these are the things you CAN control:
A is for Attitude. This is everything. A calm nervous system helps foster a strong immune system. I like the expression "Proceed as if it is not a problem" because we are super resilient human beings and many of us have been through challenges much larger than this in our lives. Check in with yourself and adjust accordingly.
B is for Breath. This is our best tool for keeping a calm nervous system. In through the nose, longer exhale through the mouth. This keeps our nervous systems strong and calm Even better? You do this, and you can help calm others down because you are modeling calm behaviour (it goes the other way too, which is an even greater reason for being mindful of your breath).
C is for Choice. You get to choose how you move through this situation. Everything can suck, or be full of panic or fear, or you can say yes to what is happening in the present moment and eliminate the friction by accepting the the moment for what it is.
And then there are the other basics, which include:
1. Washing your hands. There, I've done my due diligence on what cannot be overstated enough. Wash them every time you come in from the outside, every time you go to the bathroom, every time you think about it. Wash them, wash them good. 20 seconds or more.
2. GET ENOUGH SLEEP. This is the foundation for a strong immune system. Asleep by 10:30. Lights out at 10:20. Pretend you are a kind and loving parent to yourself, and gently admonish yourself that really, it's time for lights out at 10:20. Because you'll thank yourself later and may even develop a good lifelong habit of investing in your health by getting more sleep.
3. Stay calm. See the ABC's above. Anxiety, fear and panic all increase the release of cortisol, which compromises the immune system. That's not what we want. And staying calm feels better anyway. Read the trashy novel. Skip FB. Do some drawing. Do some yoga. Meditate. Breathe. Laugh. Take a nap. Do what you need to modulate your immune system by keeping calm. (Another good lifelong habit to foster!!)
4. Nourish yourself. Eat warm, cooked foods. This will help your body operate from a place of lower inflammation--boosting the immune system and lowering overall stress.